Friday, 10 August 2007

Updating Glue schema

This is sort of old news as the request of updating the BDII is one month old.

To update the Glue schema you need to update the BDII on the BDII machine and on the CE and SE (dcache and classic). DPM SE uses BDII instead of globus-mds now so you should check the recipe for that.

The first problem I found was that

yum update glite-BDII

doesn't update the dependencies but only the meta-rpm. Apparently it works for apt-get but not for yum. So if you use yum you have 3 alternatives

1) yum -y update and risk to screw your machine
2) yum update and check each rpm
3) Look the list of rpms here

yum update

Reconfiguring the BDII doesn't pose a threat so you can

./scripts/configure_node BDII_site

On the CE and SE... you can upgrade the CE and SE and reconfigure the nodes. But I didn't want to do that because you never know what might happen and with the farm full of jobs and the SE being dcache I don't see the point to risk it for a schema upgrade. So what follows is a simple recipe to upgrade the glue schema on CE and SE other than DPM without reconfiguing the nodes.

service globus-mds stop
yum update glue-schema
cd /opt/glue/schema
ln -s openldap-2.0 ldap
service globus-mds start

To check that it worked:

ps -afx -o etime,args | grep slapd

if your BDII is not on the CE and you find slapd instances on ports 2171-2173 it means you are running site BDIIs also on your CE and you should turn it off and remove it from the startup services.

The ldap link is needed because the schema path has changed and unless you want to edit the configuration file (/opt/globus/etc/grid-info-slapd.conf) the easiest thing is to add a link.

Most of this is in this ticket

including where to find the new schema documentation.

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